Coronavirus Update
Covid 19 update: We have recently been given permission by the state to return to work. Here is an update on what we are doing to ensure your safety:
- Our offices are now open. We are treating patients and accepting new patients.
- All of our staff have received the vaccine.
- Minimal changes were necessary due to our extreme safety protocols already in place
- Dr. Asbury worked in a lab at Harvard Medical School using Retrovirus (an RNA virus like Coronavirus), so was already trained and certified in biological safety protocols.
- Dr. Asbury personally designed and built the office around ADA and infection control protocols- Our new central AC systems installed 2 years ago were already using high efficiency filters capable of filtering out bacteria and viruses, we have quartz solid surfaces, 6 feet in between units (for handicap access and physical distancing), autoclave steam sterilization spore tested at least weekly, heated ultrasonic instrument cleaning prior to sterilization, full disinfection of surfaces between every patient, antimicrobial suction using non plumbed water with antimicrobial tabs, high volume evacuation at each chair to reduce aerosols, Isolite intraoral suction, yearly infection control inspection and staff training, and onsite laundry.
- We recently added several IQAir air purifying systems with hyperHEPA filtration filtering particles 100 times smaller than a virus. We have also added iWave ioniers. Office testing for particulate matter while working shows undetectable levels of areosols.
- We keep an ample supply of masks and PPE for our staff including n95 masks.
- We have added the following to ensure the absolute highest level of safety:
- Digital health screening for all patients before each appointment
- Non-contact thermostats to take each patients temperature before each appointment
- Virtual waiting room (parking lot with shade structure). Just call us and we can let you or your child in.
- Options for virtual appointments for many of our checks for appliances including invisalign.
- Temporary closure of common areas including: game room, waiting room, bathrooms, brush stations, staff break room, water and snack stations.
- Hand sanitizer, and special mouth rinses to be used upon entry